Part 1 (Things I wish someone told me before I was 21)

 1.  Your mental health is the most important thing. Any issues, problem, fights, stress can be handled well when you have a healthy mind. Setting aside time to do things that centre yourself is the greatest gift you can give yourself and the people around you. 

2. Nothing is the end of the world, other than the actual end of the world. 

3. Surround yourself with healthy people. People who push you to be the best possible version of yourself. People who motivate you to get out of bed for a workout or start a book club with you even if you fail to finish reading one book each month (you still started something). People who celebrate your little victories. People you send daily affirmations to every morning. Friends who make you feel like you are more than enough, even in moments when you feel like you are nothing. Friends who make plans with you to go for fun night out but also make time for wholesome/ healthy activities like going for walks/ to the farmers market/ a movie night / sleepover parties. People you enjoy being with when you are sober. Friends who call you out when you make a mistake, even if you do not want to hear it. Friends who do not enable you instead they encourage you to be a better person every single day of your life. Friends who know when to coddle you and when to criticise you. Friends whose energy is so infectious it is enough to put a smile on your face on your worst days. Friends who come into your life in your lowest moments that you start to believe in destiny and guardian angels. Friends who love you unconditionally that you never feel the need to chase romantic partners who are unable to give you the same thing. Friends who do not let distance affect your relationship (even 10,000km). Friends who teach you to love fearlessly, shamelessly, limitlessly. Friends who ground you yet make you feel so special you feel like you're flying. 

Surround yourself with people who make you wake up daily and think, fuck, I am the luckiest girl in world. I have everything I need right here, right now and I will always be okay as long as I surround myself with genuine people who let me be me.

4. When someone lies to you/cheats on you/disrespects you, it is not your fault. It does not define you, instead, it reflects the type of person they are. The way you react reflects the type of person you are. When you choose to react to that person with respect instead of anger/hatred or vengeance, you are displaying your own values and your upbringing. 

5. Protect your peace at all costs. Reflect on what is worth to you and do not let other minor things affect you. If they do, ask yourself is this worth my energy? Is it worth raising my vibrations to a negative level? 

6. Do not disturb other people's peace. Hurt people hurt people. But that is no excuse to lie or cheat , because once you hurt someone, they will move on and you will be left alone with yourself and your guilt. The guilt of lying or cheating on someone you love will destroy you more than it will the person you inflict it on. When you disturb someone else's peace, you will end up shattering your own.

7. Never stop appreciating the people around you. Every time you think of them and their impact on your life, remember to tell them, life is too short for pride or ego. 

8. Losing someone who disrespects you or is dishonest is not a loss, it is a gain. You gain yourself in the process. In the long run, you are doing yourself a favour. You are reclaiming yourself. You are choosing you (the person you will need to answer to for the rest of your life, until your last breath). You are setting your boundary. 

9. Never let go of your childhood hobbies, they will ground you and centre you. No matter how childish it may seem, let that inner child shine through you. For me its bowling, going to the arcade & swimming. These activities that kept me in balance when I was 10, continue to have the same effect in me at 22. 

10. Be kind to yourself. If you fail to have it all together, its okay. A good friend of mine reminds me every time I share with him an error I have made, he says "You're human". 

Dedicated to the some of the realest people I’ve met on this journey. 
